we invite you to become a friend of greensboro downtown parks!
Greensboro Downtown Parks, Inc. is a non-profit organization in partnership with the City of Greensboro, and serves as the executive management of LeBauer Park and Center City Park, two active and inviting landscapes in downtown Greensboro. Friends of Greensboro Downtown Parks contribute to the growing vibrancy of downtown by helping fund inclusive community programming and continued beautification of the parks.
By becoming a Friend of Greensboro Downtown Parks, you will support programs such as free movie nights, children’s activities, fitness classes, and live performances. You will also help to maintain first-rate facilities including an interactive fountain, performance spaces, children’s play area, dog park, and putting green.​
For $250, you can receive name recognition on a bistro chair in LeBauer Park and support:
Live Music • Fitness Classes
Movies • Dog Park
and More!
For $250, you can receive name recognition on a bistro chair in LeBauer Park and support:
Live Music • Fitness Classes
Movies • Dog Park
and More!
2019 Friends Of the Park
Preserver $5,000
Leslie & Robert Ketner
Protector $1,000
Gail & Gene LeBauer Family Fund in Memory of Carolyn Weill LeBauer
Holt & Nick Wilson
Jeff Smith
John & Martha Chandler Fund
Joseph M. Bryan Jr.
Katherine & Mike Weaver
Margaret & Bill Benjamin
Marty Overman
Melissa Greer
Network for Good
Undercurrent Restaurant
Sustainer $500
Alexa Aycock
Ashley Madden
Boon & Kess Thongteum
Clare & Mike Abel
Drs. Janet Boseovski & Dr. Stuart Marcovitch
Emily Hinton
Hagan Family Fund in Honor of Carrie H. Stewart
Kimberly Martin
Pam & David Sprinkle
Sigmund & Ellen Tannenebaum
Thomas Sloan
Timmothy Thomson
Supporter $250
Barbara Newbauer
Betty & Ben Cone Jr.
Cara & Kyle Hobbs
Cemala Foundation, Inc.
Dabney & Walker Sanders
Dawn Chaney
Evelyn Day
FirstPoint Inc
Francis Flaherty
Garson & Cathy Rice
Jennifer J Kilpatrick
Jennifer Scheib
Jim & Susan Melvin
Joan & Samuel LeBauer
John C. Hagan
Julie Olin
Karl B. & Deborah L. Fields
Kyle Davis
Larry C and Vera D Burnett
Matthew Brunson Martin
New Garden Landscaping & Nursery
Robert Overman
Advocate $100
Adam Duggins
Andrew Spainhour
Andy Zimmerman
Anne & Byron Loflin
Ashley Freund
Ben & Dorothy Brown
Bill & Lee Britt
Bobby & Stacy Calfo
C. Vickie Kilimanjaro
Carl Brower
Carol Davis
Cathy Wheeler
Ceceila Thompson & Chris Wilson
Clem & Hayes Clement
Dana & Andrew Davis
Darla Roberts
Dora & Bruce Brodie
Dr. Helen Brooks & Dale Shaw
Dr. John & Joan Dilworth
Elizabeth & Dan Freeze
Elizabeth & Patrick Burns
Emily Ledbetter
Eric Flick
Harden & Derry Blackwell
Heather Oakley
Hoke Huss
Jane & Richard Levy
Jerry Harrleson
John & Lacy Starr
Judy & Bob Wicker
Justin Washington
Kate & Jim Schlosser
Kate & Phelps Sprinkle
Kathy & Daniel Craft
Linda & Robert Edmunds
Little Gate Garden Club
Luke Bierman
Lynda & Locke Clifford
Margaret & Howard Arbuckle
Maria & J. Paul Linden
Marion & Peggy Follin
Mary & Paul Livingston
Milton Kern
Mr. & Mrs. F. Marshall Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Carrison III
Mrs. Berkeley H. Harris
Myrna Carlock
Nancy Hoffmann
Nancy & Jim Bryan
Pam & Alan Duncan
Phil Fleischmann
Rebecca Ulmsten
Robert M. Peddrick
Ron Johnson & Bill Roane
Ronald Tucceri
Tammi Thurm
William W. Truslow
Yosuke & Kathie Yamamori
Patron $50
Arch U.S. MI Services, Inc.
Ashton & Bryan Clemmons
Beth Boulton
Beth C. Harrington
Brittany & Tom Blue
Chester Brown
Cindy & Howard Williams
Diane Joyner & Ashley Hase
Fanny Bain
Jen Sadock & Steve Friedland
Julie & Tom Taylor
Laura Otterberg
Lou Bouvier & Danny Kelly
Margaret & Robert Kantlehner
Maureen & Doug Murray
Molly Mullin
Nancy & Eriwn Fuller Jr.
Nancy Doll
Nancy L. Moore
R. J. & A. E. Kroupa
Rhonda Broder-Dunlevy
Scott Firestone
Sharon & Reed Johnston
Soumya Iyer
Stephen Dahlstedt
Suresh Nagappan
Tammy Renee Alexander
Taylor Ashby
Tony LeTrent-Jones
Contributor $35
Agnes & David M. Moore II
Buddy & Kelly Seymour
Cissy & Bill Parham
Collins & Tyson Pugh
George & Kitty Robison
Hillary Meredith
Jordan Goldman
Martin Andersen
Peter & Rosemary Delos
Shawna Tillery
2020 Friends Of the Park
Protector $1,000
Cemala Foundation
Dabney & Walker Sanders
John & Martha Chandler Fund
Joseph M. Bryan Jr.
Margaret & Bill Benjamin
Sustainer $500
Alexa Aycock
Auma Thongteum
Dawn Chaney
Emily Hinton
Martha Overman
Sigmund & Ellen Tannenebaum
The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Supporter $250
Caitlin Stay
Cathy Wheeler
Clare & Mike Abel
Hank & Sallie Cunninghma
Jewish Foundation of Greensboro
Jim & Susan Melvin
Larry C and Vera D Burnett
Mary & David Hagan
Mary Katherine & Durant Bell
New Garden Landscaping & Nursery
Pete & Pat Cross
Sallie & Hoke Huss
Stacy Calfo
Advocate $100
Ashley & Karns Davis
Brittany & Tom Blue
C. Vickie Kilimanjaro
Carl Brower
Carol Davis
Chester Brown
Donna Floyd
Dora & Bruce Brodie
Gate City Trolley, Inc.
John Leonard
Karl B. & Deborah L. Fields
Kathleen Black
Lisa Conklin
Louann Clarke
Luke Bierman
Marion & Peggy Follin
Maxine Fisher
Mrs. Berkeley H. Harris
Myrna Carlock
Nancy & Jim Bryan
Pam & Alan Duncan
Rachel & Blair Percival
R David Sprinkle
Susan & Jerry Schwartz
Susan Lowe
Tony LeTrent-Jones
Yosuke & Kathie Yamamori
Patron $50
Cara & Kyle Hobbs
Agnes & David Moore
Christian Wilson
Cissy & Bill Parham
George & Kitty Robison
Meredith Piatt
Nancy & Eriwn Fuller Jr.
Nancy Doll
Rosemary Kenerly
Taylor Ashby
Contributor $35
amazon Smile
Beth Mannella
Camille Williams & Scott Stephens
Dean & Kathleen Little
Donna O'Rourke
Janis & Andrew Fields
Mr. & Mrs. James Long Jr.
giving levels
Join Friends of Greensboro Downtown Parks today and help ensure that LeBauer Park and City Center Park continue to deliver unmatched experience for Greensboro residents and visitors of all ages!
Contributor | $35
Patron | $50
Advocate | $100
Supporter | $250
Sustainer | $500
Protector | $1,000
Conservator | $2,500
Preserver | $5,000

Children are an integral part of the magic that is our downtown parks. The "Little Friends of the Park" provides a teachable moment for our youngest visitors about the importance of supporting their community and taking ownership of their most favorite places. There are three giving levels that are "allowance friendly" and align with their limited budgets to make giving a fun and realistic goal.

high five | $5
big ten | $10
Superhero | $20

As the only dog park in downtown Greensboro, LeBauer Park has quickly become the go-to gathering spot for our furry, four-legged friends. Help support our downtown dog's favorite play place by making a donation in honor of your dog. Its a perfect way to support the upkeep and maintenance of this popular park feature while showing your canine compatriot just how much you love them!
puppy | $25
pedigree | $50
best in show | $100